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A6000 Debris on sensor at HFR

A6000 Debris on sensor at HFR

Hi everyone,



- New A6000, 2 weeks old

- Lots of dust/debris appearing on sensor WITHOUT changing lens

- Debris/dust dancing around screen at High Frame Rates

- Have had the sensor professionally cleaned... used HFR, debris returns. 


This is obviously a big frustration, has anyone ever had a similar issue? Bought a new camera, used HFR and had debris appear? Could it be a sign of non-sterile factory conditions or something loose in the cameras inards? 


: ( 


Hi MichaelNatt,

Welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..:smileyhappy:


I don't recall reading any similar threads, might be worth contacting the retailer & asking them to exchange the product because from what you have posted it doesn't appear as though cleaning solves the problem..

I have had the same problem.... Huge dust.  I have no idea how but the dust has ruined the photos.

I purchased this A600 brand new and looked as if it had never been unboxed.

I took a few photos and got comfortable with the camera and packed it with me to Antarctica... Thank God I used it as my back up camera to my K5II.

Unfortunately most of my video recording was done on the A6000 so they are all crud........  Very disappointed.  The only consolation is the very reputable shop I bought from said they would refund or exchange with no problems...... Still, I won't be back to Antarctica for some time..... 

It puzzles me that I could have 100's of spots and never ever had the lens off.


I have had to clean the A6000 sensor twice since getting the camera new in September.  I don't change lenses nearly as often on this as I do on my DSLR which doesn't have anything like this problem.  Is it because there is no mirror and the sensor is more exposed when changing lenses than with a DSLR?

I bet that is it plus it must have a charge so everything gets sucked onto the mirror. I never once had my lens off and I took a trip to Antarctica, this was my spare camera thank God. When I cam back and checked my photos there were hundreds of dust spots..... seriously..... I think maybe another factor is that the kit lens goes out quite a bit so it sucks air and dust in... I got rid of my A6000 and bought a Panasonic GX7 and I love it.... No real dust issues plus a way better build quality.. Darrell