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Cash back ridiculous service!!


Cash back ridiculous service!!

So I, like many others I am sure I purchased a Sony a6000 with lens kit with the £150 cash back offer. 

First I sent web confirmation from LCE of my order, but this wasn't good enough and I was told my claim was invalid and would be dismissed...

After submitting pictures of serial numbers, receipts, web confirmation and PayPal payment I finially got confirmation that my claim was being processed- I mean come on, do they need any more evidence!

after hearing nothing for over the 28 day period I sent an email, I was worried that my claim was going to be invalid again. Good news though I had a human respond to me to say that they are processing the funds. 

A week passed and still nothing, I sent another email asking what was happening etc etc. -no reply!


Coincidently later that day I had an email to say a payment will be sent from world pay. 

Ooo good news I got £50 that day (so that's cash back for the lens).

i sent another email querying this as I was expecting £150, still no human reply to that one...


a few more days past and I get an email from a non human telling me my account details are wrong!!! How??? You've already paid me £50 of the £150 you owe me... Just pay it to the same account!

i reply with my details and ask that a human actually reply to my email rather than some rubbish generic reply again, still no reply! 

This was 2 weeks ago now, great I have £50 but you still owe me £100


i can only hope that humans from your customer service team actually get round to reading this or the many emails I have sent and actually do something about this farce! I am sick of getting generic excuse emails saying I have done something wrong when I haven't. If anyone has a contact number for a complaints team that have humans there rather robots typing b@llocks generic emails back then that would be great too! 


Luke barlow 


Had same experience but eventually got paid