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We have been given a S Frame DPF-W700 as a present. My wireless system is TalkTalk. I have been unable to get the unit to commucate with my system saying unable to connect to access point check password and ID address. I have spoken with Sony who think it is a router problem, I have tried the unit at two frenids house one who uses Plus Net and the other BT. On each occasion the Frame has connected and worked perfectly. TalkTalk have very kindly sent a new router but again it will not allow me to connect (shows the same fault). as anyone else had this problem. I am of the opinion that the unit is not compatiable with TalkTalk.


Hi kevlad, welcome to the Sony Forums :slight_smile:

It certainly sounds like a modem issue, as the error message is asking for modem passwords etc.

I don't know of any specific issues with Sony frames and TalkTalk modems, but it seems very likely that it's a setting on the modem that needs changing. As such you might have more luck asking on a TalkTalk forum :thinking:

Sorry I can't be of any more help.



With the latest update, when I try to connect to Facebook, it asks me to enable Cookies in my browser? How am I supposed do that. It's not a browser on the DPF-W700.

It also won't connect to my local wifi network router, only the Sonos Music Player that is on the network, which of course is not a router.