Android 6.0 2 questions

Android 6.0 2 questions

Ok so all installed fine and I think that I'm happy overall!


however I have 2 questions:


Firstly, I often watch programs from a USB, but now when I put this in it brings up a full screen box asking what to do with this. Is there any way of making it remember your choice. Also as I normally use Kodi for this, there's now no option to close that box and you have to pick one option meaning that you then have to go into an app and close it to go into another?? Not an improvement!!


and my second question, is what is the new streaming channels only all about? All I get on there is google tv which runs trailers of movies, but that keeps on hanging and seems pointless. Is there a good use for this or shall I just hide the input. 


And also an observation, I notice that my most frustrating bug from the previous version was the duplication of input labels for my Sky Q and PS4, and this is still there. Surely this can't be a huge fix to stop hem coming up twice??? Just looks poor. 


you don't have to pick anything, just press "back" on the remote. It was like that before also. But there was a "close" button also and both did the same thing.

Ah I see, ok I'll do that. 


However I don't understand why they won't let you choose third party apps or why you can't have a "remember this option" option.