Android™ 8.0 Oreo firmware v6.5830

Android™ 8.0 Oreo firmware v6.5830

Android™ 8.0 Oreo firmware v6.5830


Ok Ive been waiting about 2+ months for an update fix, some have been waiting longer.

So Sony you must know by now if and when an update fix is going to be available. You saying to me you have no idea when a fix will be available, says to me your waiting on the next version of android to be available. And you have no intension on working on a fix for this version. Work arounds are not fixes.


This is the first Sony TV I have ever had and I have to admit im hating Sony customer care.

In two weeks time if no update is available im taking this tv back to the shop as broken and going back to the brand I was with and staying away from Sony.



Hi Micky,


Welcome to the Sony Community.


Sorry to hear about the issues you've been having. Please keep an eye here for all future updates.


In the meantime I would recommend getting in touch with the support team here for further assistance. 


Best wishes,

Sean Mc