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Bravia 4K UR3 - Android TV Update Has New Issues

Bravia 4K UR3 - Android TV Update Has New Issues

My Sony Bravia 4K UR3 TV updated its Android TV software last week and there is a problem.

I use QUICK SETTINGS > PICTURE OFF a lot.  This allows me to hear the TV, but turn the screen off.  Since the update, the QUICK SETTINGS > PICTURE OFF function no longers turns off the screen.  Instead, it makes the screen "black" but leaves the back light on.  This is not good.  It's bright enough to illuminate the entire room at night time, despite being "off".

Why is this important to me?  One of the reasons is, I use the Sony HT-A9 Home Theater speaker system.  Unfortunately the HT-A9 will not allow me to stream music through it without the TV being switched on.  The TV is not needed, as I only want to stream music and I can command that via my Google Home Assistant or from my phone.  I NEED the TV switched off and the only way to do this and continue to hear the music is to use QUICK SETTINGS > PICTURE OFF.

I also use my Sony Bravia as a monitor for my work-from-home 3D workstation - we are short of space for extra monitors so the Bravia provides a good 4K screen for my work.  I use this workstation to do overnight renders of my 3D animations.  If I switch the TV off the renders will crash - It's an nVidia thing.  But I have found that if I use QUICK SETTINGS > PICTURE OFF the computer will work for days and weeks at a time without crashing.

For clarity, before the update happened the Sony Bravia 4K UR3 would turn off the screen and its backlight when using the QUICK SETTINGS > PICTURE OFF function.

It's not a very "green" age we live in, is it?  I feel that modern technology has added more problems rather than solving any.  The experience I had with technology in the 90s and 00s was much more tuned to a users needs and offered greener, more energy-saving solutions, than the current offerings that Sony have.

I feel like I'm talking into the breeze and this won't get my TV updated anytime soon, which is a real shame and puts me off buying anymore Sony products.  My next speakers/TV combination will probably not be Sony because of this issue.

Thanks for listening.  I shall not hold my breath.

All the best,
