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KDL-43w809c - Constant reboot when connected to internet


KDL-43w809c - Constant reboot when connected to internet


I've Googled and not found any concrete solution for this, I know it's a common problem but the website offers no help just says to contact us (no weekend phone support... Really Sony!? Shambles) I've done every form of reset gard reset factory reset, disconnect power leave for so long etc. All the usual copy and paste solutions. Can anyone offer any help or fix for this? 


OK so fingers crossed it appears iv sorted it. I updated the firmware via USB, even though after doing that successfully and updating to marshmallow it locked into the reboot loop everytime I accepted the privacy agreement, so I reset and setup without WiFi and disagreed the privacy statement, then set the wifi up afterwards through the hone menus and seems to be working fine for now