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Sony 75X9405c


Sony 75X9405c

Hi everyone I'm new to the Sony Community. 


My question relates to the 75 X9405C and whether anyone knows when the firmware update to enable Hdmi 2.0a will be released for Ultra HD Bluray & HDR Mastered content. As the Tv stands at the moment HDR Playback only possible via online streaming on Amazon. Any information would be gratefully received.


Warmest Regards 

Not applicable

Hi there


Welcome to the community!


Sony does not release a roadmap on future FW releases.  That said, there is currently no UHD Bluray players or HDR content in physical form on the market (that im aware of). It is widely expected the announcements of UHD Players and HDR content at CES in January. 


According to this article, its already been enabled, as the firmware got updated recently for HDR support, including HDMI 2.0a




Hi Quinnicus,


Thank you for welcoming me to the Sony Community and your reply is most appreciated. 


There seems to be considerable dubiety regarding the 2.0a update for the 75 X9405c as the Product Manager at my local Sony Centre said the update enabled the TV for online content only... and a future network update will enable version 2.0a. A TV of this cost is a significant investment so I want to be 100% certain it is as future Proofed as possible and HDMI 2.0a would go some way in achieving that. As you quite rightly say Ultra HD Bluray with HDR Mastered content doesn't hit our shores till early next year... I read Sony favour Dolby Vision version of HDR which would be an exciting addiction. 




Hi folks,


Update on the Hdmi 2.0a firmware update:) seems No definitive answers are forthcoming and when I did get an answer one contradicted the other. So here goes Sony Support told me the update for HDMI 2.0a will be released on 24th December along with enabling USB HDD Recording. However my local Sony Centre Manager contacted his Area Manager who said Hdmi 2.0a here in the UK won't be released until February-March next year once HDR Standard is confirmed to coincide with Ultra HD Bluray Player's release at same time. Conflicting information all round, who to believe....which of the sources I spoke with are correct? The debate within the industry regarding which version of HDR will be industry standard seems to be an ongoing bone of contention. With Sony, Warner, Disney and 20th Century Fox opting for Dolby Vision version of HDR...but it seems that LG and Panasonic have differing opinions about it. Wish they could all agree and have some joined up thinking....