Sony KD49XH9505 problem

Sony KD49XH9505 problem

Hi new to the forum and could do with some help. I have purchased a Sony kd49xh9505 TV over a month ago and had nothing but trouble with the screens having dirty panels. I'm now on my 3rd TV but this 3rd TV seems to have a problem with like a high pitch noise from the back of the panel. Im not sure if the other tvs had the same sound. I only noticed it when I was cleaning round the back of the TV last night. The only time it's noticeable is when you put your head next to the back of the TV. It's like a high pitch electric noise. Can anyone else hear the noise or is my 3rd TV faulty. It seems louder when I playing on my xbox. I have noticed when I lower my TV brightness it is not as bad. Anyone else with a Sony ould you please turn the sound off and pop your head round the back of the TV to check.




"The only time it's noticeable is when you put your head next to the back of the TV"


My 65XG9505 is wall mounted so difficult to replicate your issue.

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Hi thanks for your response. The other two tvs had dirty back panels and a bulb fault. I got in touch with Sony and they accepted them as faults.

This noise that's coming from the back of the TV is not noticeable unless you mute the volume and listen to the back panel.