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Would I be mad to buy a 49X8005C?

Would I be mad to buy a 49X8005C?

It ticks all the boxes. The only thing that is holding me back is the groundswell of opinion on here regards the Android OS. I had hoped that the youView update would make things better but it seems to have brought about more problems. There is no alternative that I would be happy buying. Something doesn't feel right with the Panasonic. Is there a possibility that the majority of people are perfectly happy with these televisions and it is just the forums skewing the feeling or do you think everyone is unhappy and they just don't know where to moan. 


I've had my 49X8309C for a couple of weeks, and on the whole, I'm very happy.  (A different model, I know, but this topic is essentially an 'Android' one...)


I don't have any major performance issues, so it's certainly not a major problem for me.


Some minor glitches:


  1. Youview now 'default' input  for TV button (this was, originally, the Sky HDMI1 input, which was ideal.)
  2. Youview itself is a little sluggish, but I use Sky, so that's not an issue
  3. Youtube audio sync on soundbar is out

That's all that bothers me, really, so far.  There is the issue that the CT780 soundbar blocks the remote control unless you hold it at shoulder height, but I've got around that by buying a repeater, which works well.