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Water mark on Soundbar

Water mark on Soundbar

I had a smudge mark on the grey fabric of my CT381 soundbar. I was advised in Curry's to try WD40; which removed the mark, but created a grease spot that looked even worse. So I used a small amount of fabric foam cleaner and gently rubbed it into the fabric. It's removed the grease mark, but it's created a faint water mark instead, and it's also made the area slightly more transparent than the rest of the fabric, so you can just see the framework underneath. It seems as though the moisture has 'thinned' the fabric.




Is there anything I can do to 'plump' the fabric back out again, and / or remove the water mark? Or have i done irreperable damage here?

Not applicable



Hi there


I saw your other photo on twitter too.  Short of sending it to an authorised Sony repair centre to get this re-covered -  I can think of no way to help you on this im afraid.  As you have found out, the more you 'play' with it, the more noticable it has become.

