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Whenever I set it as my wallpaper the wallpaper goes black...
I don't really want to reset my device, is there any other way around it? 🤔
@Keira15Xperia, I understand that it is never fun to have to reset your device, but in order to make sure that there is nothing software related in your device causing this behavior it is the only relevant troubleshooting I can suggest.
Keep me posted if there is any change if you choose to go forward with the software repair.
The stock application becomes a staggered image, an updated version of Xperia Loops, a black screen. The application collapsed
Стоковое приложение становится стачиным изображением, обновлённая версия Xperia Loops, чёрный экран. Приложение рухнуло
I've edited your post as this is an English only forum, you can use Google Translate to reply and/or post.
¡Hello Everyone!
I have the same problem, black screen and when i go to the configuration button the app closed with the massage "live wallpaper no responded" with the option to reset live wallpaper but nothing....the same thing. I try to give more permissions to this app and try a hard reset and nothing....still dont work. Its the original xperia loops preinstalled on the phone L1.