Share your experience!
The mic on my M2 aqua has a strange problem. In calls people hear me pretty good with the voice messeges in Viber and Messenger everything's fine, but when I review my own voice messege (no matter Viber or Messenger) it is very quiet compared to the messeges of the others and again they hear mine pretty well. Even when I open the conversetion in Facebook on my PC and check the levels mine is very quiet compered to the others. When I record something on the mic and then check it is quiet also. When I'm doing the mic test in the diagnostic it very quiet again you have to keep the speaker in your ear to be able to barrley hear the voice. I'm pretty sure that wasn't an issue a day ago and just did a repair using PC Companion with no succsess. I'm on 18.3.1.C.1.15
Please, give me some tips and thanks in advance!
It could be that those apps are using the secondary microphone instead of the main microphone.