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Storage issues!!!


Storage issues!!!

I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of this phone. I have an 8gb memory card which has 7.39gb of space on it however my phone is only allowing me to have 3 apps and is stating I have insufficient storage. I cannot update current apps or have anymore apps on this phone!!!! It's meant to be a smart phone and yet there was nothing smart about it. It can't or won't give me the option to save to the memory card. I'm not due an upgrade for a long time and am stuck with this hunk of junk


I'm sorry to hear about your issue, but that's not a Sony problem but rather an android limitation, you can move part of certain apps to the SD card, again that's how Google/Android handle it, as they are/were trying to kill the SD card, with that said, if you don't have 500MB free of your internal storage you won't be able to update apps, again, an android restriction, but it has a reason behind it, once you run out of internal storage certain apps and services will start acting up, even android might start crashing. 

Things you could do, uninstalled unwanted/unused apps, if you don't use certain preloaded apps that can't be removed, uninstall the updates and then disable them

Thread closed as this has been covered many times:

