Complaint Against SONY MOBILES INDIA


Complaint Against SONY MOBILES INDIA

I buy sony tipo sT21i of Rupees 9243/- on date 10/11/2012 and getting some problem in it, like i can't make call from it and touchpad also not working so, i went to sony service center (Global Services, Jaipur Rajasthan) on date 02/03/2013. They submit my mobile on date 02/03/2013  and till now date 29/03/2013 didn't respond. Each time when i ask them about mobile they continue extending the date..

now i am very much upset from Sony’s service. so please help me to solve this problem as early as possible.From last one month I didn’t contact to anyone and due to this I am going in loss in various manner boz I didn’t hve any kind of data with me..


service center Job No. W113030201608

Ticket ID 13030201608




poor services and unprofessional attitude in Sony service center. I was suppose to get new model within 4 to 5 days against issues with my exiting Sony xperia z1. Yet neither i received phone nor any response from company. Whenever i call to service center no one pic it up. I am very much disappointed with your service there for i don't want Sony xperia z1 new model anymore cause i am fed up of services provided to customer at Sony service center. I want refund as soon as possible. pls provide me positive feedback when can i get my refund. i don't want to waste my time and money on Sony anymore.

Hi ,

I have submitted my sony xperia z ultra ( black)  for replacement after it screen got damaged.
I was told that i will receive the new unit in around a month.
However It has been more than 2 months now and i have not received it yet.
I had received few  offers from  service center around a month back  to receive sony Z1 or sony xperia zultra in white otherwise.
But I had turned down the offer since i was not interested in the same.
I had been told that your service centre people have ordered Z1 on my name instead .. i dont understand as why they have ordered  Z1 on my return job since I have been denying the same since beginning . It has been 2 weeks since this incidence and i have not received any calls since then.
Following are the details:
ticket id : 150726000512
job no : w115072600512
my mobile no :
date of damaged unit at your service centre : 26th July 2015

My complain number is W115101002482. I have bought a very costly mobile Xperia Z2 (35000 INR) in March 2015 and since the day I have bought it, I have been roaming around your useless service centre to get it fixed.

In May 2015, I had deposited this phone to CMH road  Bangalore Service centre for Mic and speaker issue. This issue was since the day I have bought the phone, but I thought its a problem with my earphones. Finally, i figured out, its a problem with the crap phone. They had upgraded the S/W and called me to collect the phone. I checked it thoroughly and failed to convince your service centre guys that the problem still exists. They forced me to take the  phone back as they cant do anything,
Again, when the I got frustrated with the same problem, I went and forcibly submitted the phone again. Somehow they figured out, its a hardware issue and they got the Mic and speaker replaced. The issue was fixed and I got back my phone. The next day onward, when I started using my phone, the Wi-FI was not working. I called your useless service centre again and they called me to submit the phone.
When they checked the issue, I was told that, the WI-FI i am trying to connect is weak, hence I am not able to connect to Wi-Fi so they asked me the Wi-fi settings. This sounds quite weird that a costly phone will not get connected to a weak signal wi-fi. I went back and checked 3 other sony phone, apple, One plus one and many other cost effective mobiles also which were getting connected except my Z2 phone. I went to the service centre again but as usual, your guys didnt accept it and they asked me the proof.
I went back again and got some pics clicked to show that other phones are working. They got convinced in my next visit after a lot of fight and they sent my phone for hardware repair again. Now they are promising that the issue is solved. I am not sure if after 2 times of hardware change will really serve the purpose and there is no other issue because of the previous one,
I have no patience to check other issues and do any kind of testing for the entire phone. Your call centre is not willing to listen and guy named Wasim had told me that its only hardware problems and there cant be any assurance whether that can be solved. Since 9 months, I have used my phone for only 2 months in total and your guys are not ready to give any assurance if any other issue will not come due to regression and also my warranty is not extended. 
I WANT my money BACK as I am very sure that the new piece will also be useless. There were 100 users who had problem with Z2 and also other phones. Let me know the procedure to get the money back. OR else, I will have to go to consumer court for this lame behavior of yours.  This is highly irresponsible for a brand like SONY. highly pathetic. 

I had purchased Sony Xperia Z Ultra from Dreamlite Sony Smartphone Lounge for a consideration of Rs 19200 paid in cash vide your Receipt no. 1402 with TIN VAT No. 10146412075 paid through cash dated 02/06/2015.The goods are suffering from the following defects :

  1. Wi-fi not working properly after getting the new replaced handset from your authorised onus service center.
  2. BSNL Internet setting not working.

I have reported the above problems to your authorized service center named “Onus Services

(Authorised Sony Service Center) , 15/C S.K. Puri ,  Patna-800001” and asked them to rectify the problem , but they said that your handset may come in 10 to 15 days. Then I asked for a “stand-by handset” till my replacement will be done. At that time they agreed to give me Sony ultra Z but spending hours of time there they refused to give me that “stand-by-handset” then I said I don’t want to avail the service facility , and I requested them to return my handset but they kept my phone forcefully and generated a new service-id : 15082604106 which is indeed regrettable and highly unbusiness like. So I had already filled a case (whose case number is 517-15) in patna consumer court. Be ready ………


i have new sony mobile as a sony m4 aqua and 1st day problem microphone not working so i am service center my mobile please fast work of my mobile i hope you understand my feeling service center Job No. W115122603935

Ticket ID 15122603935

date of damaged unit at your service centre : 26th dec 2015


I am from Indore. My phone has been on the last 8 days at service centers, it only has problem of the charging socket. My phone even after 8 days on the service center has not improved so far. & they want more 4 day to repair total 15 day they wont resolve only charging soket problem,,then how you can claim the best servie ....the worst servce i ever i desided i never ever brought any of sony product in my bad response frome the sevice center


I purchase Sony Xperia m4 aqua 3 month ago ,,thise mobile is water damage and not repair in Warranty period... Repair prise 10,500.. And I purchaise price 16,000 water proof device is fake...

Dear sir/madam

       I am Brajesh Kumar From  Income Tax Department Surat , I have Deposite More Than 4 Time Mobile In Your service Center. (Tanay Communication). But my mobile is not fully repaired . On 22/03/2016 Frist Time i have deposite mobile for charging problem after reparing that problem i have facing lot of problems after all i have depostie set 3 times ...
Right Now i deposite again on 13/05/2016 with Job sheet No. 
W116051300425 ( sony Xperia C-4 ) But Till Today There is no one to say when my set will be repaired either they are form Sony xperiya support or they are from Tanay Comminiction ,
please take an action on this matter    BRAJESH KUMAR JHA 
                                                             Income Tax Department Surat Mobile.

sony mobile is good in all feature ...i love it ....but all it distrubing me that sony is lossing his popularity because it camera quality ..which is becoming day by day worst i want to buy a sony mobile with best camera quality and slimmest handset in market ..which is most attracted by people...........sorry for the post but the truth is truth

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This is in reference to my phone Sony Xperia Z2 that I have given my phone to your service centre 4 repair on 8th Jul '16 under ticket no 16070801296.

I want to share my experiences towards the same that it was a worst experience in my life as firstly if I say I have waited in the que that shows how people are suffering from Sony and then when I have submitted my phone with so many complaints, they said will send your phone to company and it will take a week to repair and in return they even not provided any loner phone.( as Samsung provide loner phone at the same situation )

I still not even received any feedback from sony.

I really want to say I really not buy in future any sony phone as they don't have any curtsey to respond.