
Sony KDL**HX923

Should i be worried, apparently complaints are comming in already for this new tv on dark verticle lines either side of the screen!, i have seen this before on the LG i had that went back for a full refund as it was the area where the ribbon cable joins at the screen for the backlight (could be seen from the front) i had 3 of them and the engineer said its not right, heres the pics of the Sony.

this was originally posted on another forum and the poster stated that this is reported by german customers and uk ones, however i have been waiting months for my pre order and dont have it yet!!

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Message was edited by: Bravia55HX923

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535 REPLIES 535

Yeah i have heard and read about this on AV FORUM and AVS Forum i have wrote to Sony and they don't seem to concerned! Well i am as im paying £3000 for one of their tv's if it has the fault it will be going straight back and i will be requesting a replacement!! It's a shame i can't copy and paste to this site as i would of posted the reply i received. But if you would like to log in to AV Forum you can view it there. I really hope Sony rectify this Quality Control issue as they have a great tv out there let down by these niggles.

Well I recieved my 55 hx923 last thursday and it has two darker creases about 1cm from each bezel (left and right) the set also suffers from excessive blooming, I have organised for my set to be returned however would really prefer a fault free set, but as it appears that many people are suffering from this issue, i am not sure how to go about this, hence me returning the set for a refund.

Message was edited by: sammy20v

Message was edited by: sammy20v

to add to the other replies here. I too have a KDL-55HX923 on pre-order from my local sony centre (has not arrived yet) and am very concerned by the reports that there is a batch of these sets in europe being shipped to customers with known manufacturing defects.

as others have said a number of customers on from the uk have all post pictures of their sets and the issues with the panel, that issue being vertical crease in the panel at either side. the number of customers replying with the same issue is too frequent to be coincidence.

i have spoken to sony customer support and they of course deny any issue exists despite the fact customers are openly posting high resolution pictures of theirs sets clearly showing the issue!!!!

one customer even had a reply from sony to say the sets were not available in the UK and these "people" must have bought their sets elsewhere, come on sony these are real people living in the UK that pre-ordered via the sony centers and were shipped their sets. 1. the sets DO exist in the UK, 2. if there is a fault at least come forward and let customers know what the situation is, which sets are affected, which are not....

this will be my 3rd "main room" TV in a row purchased from sony, usually i would never buy such a high value item unseen but based on the quality and longevity of my previous sets i paid in full (over 2.5K) for this TV, the least I hope for if there are potential manufacturing issues is sony to respond with some factual information and not pretend like the TV's don't exist or all these people must be using CGI to create these images of sets with faults in their own living rooms.

I received my 46HX923 on Friday and also noticed the dark lines around the edge of frame as well as blooming around bright objects and some flashlighting in the bottom corners.

Here is an image of the dark lines at the side of my set.


As I have never owned a LCD television (I'm upgrading from a CRT) I am not sure if these kind of issues are acceptable for a top of the line model.  I'm currently deciding on whether to return the set.  So I'd be interested on opinions or indeed any word from Sony on the matter.

No we are not from outside the UK, the preorders were delivered this week and last, I am very suprised that Sony are not aware of this. We are UK customers and would like the flagship tv that we have recieved to be exactly that a flagship, not a tv with defects.

Not sure if this is allowed on this forum but have a read of this link on a review, it says the set is excellent albeit the 3D (which will always get ribbed!),

there is a further review from What Hi Fi Magazine due out on Friday which will make interesting reading,

it still beats me how some people over here in the UK are getting their sets already when the release date is for the first week of July!, come on people are you the ones from outside the UK,

And come on Sony !, how about some reassurance for your high end customers?

Message was edited by: -Kris-

i was eagerly waiting for my new delivery date, but i am now very nervous.

"I am not sure if these kind of issues are acceptable for a top of the line model." no they are not, seeing as how the Americans have not been suffering with creases.

We in the UK pay the highest price and are getting the worse product, i have yet to hear from anyone in the UK without the creases.

Add another one to those nervously awaiting a potentially faulty TV.  Mine is due mid July and I was looking forward to it, but now....  not so sure.

I emailed sony and eventually received a reply regarding my concerns, i.e. creases etc.  The reply denied the existence of any faults and suggested I contact the retailer if their is a fault once I receive the TV.

You would have thought with all the bad PR that Sony have garnered of late, (I'm thinking of the Playstation Network hacking incident), that Sony would have learnt to be a bit more upfront and honest in their dealings with customers.  As far as I can tell not one of the TVs received by members of AVForums has been fault free.

These appear to be the faults so far:

Vertical creases down the edge of the screen - no one on AVForums has reported a crease free set.

A newer issue appears to be bright flashes in the corner of the screen, particularly visible when playing 2.35:1 material.

Excessive blooming - perhaps this is a setting issue?

The question for Sony: Are these faults or is just the way the TV is meant to be?

I'm still hoping that the issues descibed are down to an early batch, but the continued reporting of the creases does not bode well.

It would seem that Sony uk don't give a Damn about it's loyal UK customer base. It would be nice if Sony came into this forum and answered a few questions!!! But no doubt they won't i appreciate that any new product can develop faults but when it's right out of the box and they will not even give us a straight answer that really get's my back up. We work hard for our Money so when we buy a luxury item we expect it to deliver not fall short of the line. Come on Sony Stand up and be a Man about it and either recall the product and sort it or remove from sale until you have.

When i receive my HX923 and it is faulty as it will be!!! as they seem to be all effected i will be asking for a replacement not a repaired item see the sale of goods act  And i will keep sending it back until i get a good one. Come on Sony sort it out.

When my Faulty TV arrives and i then have to wait for another TV i will be submitting a loss of use claim to you as i have purchased an item that i cannot use or enjoy. :angry: