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CDX-GT44U problem with iPod playback.

CDX-GT44U problem with iPod playback.

Hi everybody, any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated greatly!

I have checked my user manual but it's a very generic manual and didn't help with these problems...

After plugging in my iPod, the stereo plays tracks from my iPod, but no combination of buttons 3&4 (toggles between repeat and shuffle modes) or buttons 1&2 (album selection - allegedly) enables me to select one album and play all the tracks in it - it just seems to be stuck on a permanent shuffle.

Also, when I press the search button, I cannot actually search for any artists/albums/tracks, instead, a bunch of random codes appear on the display - they don't spell anything recognisable but they all of end with "M4A" - these can be toggled with the control knob, but I don't know what they mean or do!

My iPod is a brand new Nano with about 1700 tracks on it.

How can I reliably select a particular album, and then stay on it, to play all of it's tracks in order?

What are all those strange codes and what do I do with them?

Many thanks, Nick


Nice one Nick,

I've just bought one and just as bamboozled as you. With the Nano connected I cannot seem to navigate anywhere, although I have found the random 'codes' to which you refer.

All I want to do is select an album and/or playlist and play the bugger!

Please help us Mr Sony!!!!

Unfortunately, I may have been misled by the seller. It is a stereo for USB devices and MP3/4 players, but I have only just recently discovered that it is not one of Sony's "Made for iPod" range, so I fear I will remain on a permanent random shuffle for the foreseeable future. Only realised this after reading another poster questioning a total non-playback of his iPod and he was met with the response that his stereo was not one of the "Made for iPod" range, so I guess I should be grateful that mine does playback, albeit not in my chosen order!