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How do I delete files from my MP4 Walkman?

How do I delete files from my MP4 Walkman?

When I was copying over cds from my PC I wasn't sure what I was doing so ended up copying all the photos and other rubbish that I didn't want on to my Walkman and consequently filled it up! Do you think I can find out how to take them off? No way!! I thought it might be like a camera where you can delete them with a press of a button  from the screen but nothing. The instructions are useless. I just want to take the photo files off and leave my music on. HELP!!!!!


Hi nanabrown-10,

Can you try plugging the walkman into your computer via usb, opening My Computer and looking for the drive there? If it appears all you have to do is go into it and you have access to everything that is on your memory card.

Let us know how you get on,
