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MP3 CD Creation - Tracks in wrong order!

MP3 CD Creation - Tracks in wrong order!

I am using Sound Organiser 1.2 (provided with my IC-AX-412F) to produce MP3 CD's of classical music to play in my motorhome where the radio has no usb or audio in connection.

The fies are on my PC in Folders according to Composer and this is how I would like to have them on the MP3 CD.  Within each folder I have taken care to ensure that the track titles within th efolders on my PC  are in the same order (alphabetically) as that in which I want them to play. 

However, when I set up to transfer the files the list in the compilation window appears out of order and even when I rearrange the tracks within that window the resulting CD will still have tracks in the wrong order - typically a symphony will have the movements as 2, 4,3,1 or some other meaningless order.

What can I do to solve this?  :thinking:

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Sony players usually play files in the order they were burned on the disc. Try another software in which you can set the the order of the files to burn.