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transfering music to my NWZ-A828 using windows 8

transfering music to my NWZ-A828 using windows 8

Does any body know how to transfer music to my  NWZ-A828  using windows 8 as i have a new computer and i still love my player in addition where can i get replacement ear covers for my bluetooth headphones model DR BT21G.


The sony site says it doesn't support 64 bit operating system. I'm sure it can ru 32 bit siftwareif needed as i'm running loads of other 32 bit software.


Regards Martin


Hi marlowe2246 and welcome to the Community :slight_smile:


What pc do you have? What happens when you try connecting the Walkman? (Is it recognised etc.)

Things don't look promising in the UK support pages as its not listed as compatible with Windows 8 but If you visit the Sony Middle East and Africa site it offers you the option to firstly update your firmware and then

install Content Transfer Version 1.3 for transferring music via Windows Explorer, IE and Itunes.

I can't find reference there to Windows 8 64 bit systems not being supported, but it does say "Not supported by Windows XP 64 bit version OS."


Have a look Here


I haven't seen any official Sony replacement ear covers but there are plenty being advertised on Ebay :slight_smile:




Might I suggest that you download mediago from and use it as your main media source Treat it like wmp When you install  it it will look for all your media and playlists It works with Windows 8 64 bit

Hope that helps