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Turn on option vs battery life.

Turn on option vs battery life.

Hello to everybody,

I have the following problem with my sony NWZ-E453:

After switched off my walkman and fixed this status with the ‘Hold’ swicth I use to keep it into my pocket. The problem appears sometimes when it seems that something could have pressed some button…

In that case, the screen switch on with the message that ‘HOLD’ is fixed… with the consequently waste of battery.

I understood that if I have switched off and fixed the HOLD status, the walkman shouldn’t switch on the screen…

I'm wasting my battery into my pocket, and when I want to use my walkman the battery is empty :smileycry:.

Could some of you help me? Do you have any solution?

Thank you for your help.


I have exactly the same problem with my NWZ-S764. Unfortunately, Sony ignores this problem. I have contacted them twice and they replied the device is running fine. The problem occurs when you turn off the device and switch the HOLD button and put the walkman in you pocket or bag it automatically turns on unwanted, what is irritating as it uses the battery and when you want to listen to music and take it from your bag the battery is already empty. So actually this walkman is of no use and I don’t understand why Sony is not reacting to this. Why can they solve this with a software update or make a button to block the keys, because now the hold function is of no use. The only way to solve the problem is to hold it in your hand (even if you don’t want to use it) to avoid accidentally touching the buttons or maybe buy a cover, but  Sony doesn’t even offer one for this walkman, so this is a piece of <profanity removed by moderator>. I regret buying it.

Everyone, I don’t believe we are the only ones having this problem with Power Off and Hold button?