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Where do I find drivers and software to run my NW-A3000 mp3 player on Windows7?

Where do I find drivers and software to run my NW-A3000 mp3 player on Windows7?


It would seem that Sony have deserted users of older products using Windows 7 as their operating system. I have a NW-A3000 hard drive mp3 player which is still going strong and I wish to load and unload songs to and from it. I can find nothing on the Sony site to help. Does anybody out there know any workarounds to acquire suitable drivers and software to run my NW-A3000 using Windows 7. Also, if I do not have the latest firmware upgrade already installed can this be done using Windows 7?

With my thanks in anticipation of your helpful reply,

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Which Windows 7 are you using (32bit or 64bit) version? As you connesct your player to the PC, it probably starts to look for the drivers for the device and fails to find them, right? Well if so, your player will still provide very important information in device manager...

If you click start (windows button) and there in search type: device manager and open it... Try to find your player under portable devices or other devices (it probably will be marked with ? mark)... When you find your player in device manager, click on it with right mouse button and select properties. When properties windows opens select details tab and there from drop down menu select Hardware ids and write that information down on paper.

Please post that information here and I'll try to help you! It should look something like: PCI\VEN_37AE&DEV_AD64&SUBSYS_C741E057&REV_06\1&AADF5223 (this is just an example)

Thank you!


Many thanks for your kind offer of assistance. I hooked up my NW-A3000 and Windows 7 claims to have found the necessary drivers and it shows up as a storage device when looking in "computer". All I need now is some software to allow me to add and delete songs using Windows 7 and possibly try to add any firmware updates.

Thanks again.

Oops, forgot to mention that it is 32 bit.

Message was edited by: dubs1948