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I've a Malaysia purchased Sony Tablet S running on official 4.0.3 released by Sony. When i use Skype or other VoIP app such as Bria to make voice call, the recipient has unaceptable voice break. When i uses, 3.2.1, it was good.
When i uses headset, it is good on 4.0.3 also. Only using Native Mic has this issue.
Please HELP!
had same issue with both sys ....but i have problems with the input connector too. It seems the project was not considering a standard size, difficult to find the working position even with a simple headphone. It looks funny but i hate this situation since the first day. Can be i bought a faulty sample. Too bad sony. These things are really bad. Confirm the sound quality is one of the worst issues in any voice call.
had same issue with both sys too...
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