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How do I upload a cv to my xperia


No matter what you mean with "Cv", assuming it is a file on a computer, or another phone, you have access to, you transfer a copy of the file as you would with anything, music files, photos, documents, configuration files for apps etc.

File transfers can be done in several ways, some of them because you do not mention where your "Cv" is:

  • Via USB cable from a computer.
  • Via Bluetooth (only some file types are allowed, one can circumvent this by changing the extension of the file temporarily).
  • Via micro SD card (connected to a computer with adapter).
  • Downloaded from the Internet.
  • From a USB memory, using a USB OTG adapter (USB On-The-Go).
  • Heck, some even email themselves when they can't solve it by other means.

Have you read the user manual or looked at the same at Sony's support site?

Managing files using a computer. (You don't have to install Xperia Companion on a Windows computer to transfer files; just connect the cable select "Transfer files", if using a USB cable.)

(I would suggest changing the subject to "transferring a file to the phone", or similar.)