Exclusive Offer?


Exclusive Offer?

When I pre-registered on the Xperia 1 website, it said we will be the first to know when it's released and we'll get a special offer for it...

It has just yesterday been released in the UK with delivery on the 30th May... 

Why were we not informed and what about that special offer? 


@Andzzz wrote:

Haven't been offered anything exclusive here in Germany, although I registered early and it is already available in the shop.

I'm already disappointed and if nothing happens, will wait till it is cheaper.

I didn't realise Sony had promised offers in other European countries - has ANY European country got a Sony e-store exclusive mailing? 


They reeealy screwed up at the estore. It's so embarrassing to see such a great product be treated in such an amateurish and cheap way...

I can tell you though, I've had it since this morning and there's nothing like it on the market, not even close, you'll miss out if you skip on it.


...and Sony still promises this in Germany. If you follow that link, you can still pre-reg or post-reg, you name it...



Just seen that in Germany you have the exclusive offer of a Style Cover Touch. Germany, you really have got the worst deal so far 😩


Yeah, I just called them and in Germany we really just get the cover. What a bummer. It's like getting zero points on ESC. Loudly_crying_Face


Haha ESC is about having fun, don't take it seriously Slightly_smiling_Face

Unfortunately, the Style Touch cover is the worst cover ever. So badly designed. No wonder they're giving it away.

Buy the phone in the UK, you'll get headphones lol

It's still in the EU!


Hello again everyone!

@drlmiles, I'm still waiting on further information about the offer, but based on your replies in the thread, it seems to be live now at least, but not receiving an Email even though you pre-registered is of course not OK, especially since the offer seems to be limited to the 130 first customers and the only reason you found out about it was by visiting the website.

I can see that you bought the device from another retailer that had the same offer, which is good, so you didn't miss out on any offer and I hope your son is doing better.

Thanks for keeping me posted with all the information, very much appreciated and sorry that I wasn't able to be of more help, but my hands are kinda tied when it comes to market specific things.

@LukaStemberger, it seems that the eStore had the same deal as your retailer, but of course if you buy it with a subscription and so on, the total cost will be a bit cheaper compared to paying it all upfront.

@Andzzz, sorry to hear that you didn't receive the Email, but I'm happy to hear that the support was able to answer your question, but I understand not receiving the Email as promised is not acceptable.

You can always check with other retailers/operator and see if they have any other offer. I know here in the Nordics there are different offers to choose from even if you don't pre-book the device and hopefully there are some offers like this in Germany.

Once again, I'm extremely thankful for all your input and I'm really glad to hear that both @drlmiles and @LukaStemberger had really good pre-book offers available at other retailers when the pre-registration didn't really work according to plan.

In the end, I hope you both are pleased with the device and that the both of you receive the headphones as soon as possible!

Take care and have a fantastic weekend! Slightly_smiling_Face


Much love, thanks @Jonas 


Thanks for your help, @Jonas. It's such a shame that Sony haven't matched the excellence of this phone with the marketing campaign it deserves


@Jonas, thanks for your detailed reply. I will simply wait till a better offer comes up. Perhaps some day it will be available on the corporate benefits site too, because you can still pre-reg yourself there. When that happens, someone can also correct all those little other mistakes on that site....