
EPG problems

Hi all

 sorry if this has been asked before but I have just purchased a new KD049X8309C and am very impressed with most aspects of it, apart from two small "niggles", which are spoiling my initial ownership, and both are to do with the electronic programme guide.

Firstly, the EPG doesn't populate properly. Only a few programmes are showing and it would be really nice to know what's available on the other channels!

Secondly, if a programme is actually showing for later in the day, I can't "marker" it for viewing later.

If I choose a programme the "view" button is greyed out and cannot be selected.

I contacted Sony earlier this week to explain the problem but have heard nothing back as yet.

Can anyone tell me if I'm doing anything wrong please?

Many thanks



Not applicable

Hi there


EPG problems are usually an isuue with your reception and/or aerial lead.


Try unplugging all HDMI devices attached and do a full channel rescan.  Test and see if the EPG populates before adding hdmi devices.


Is the aerial cable in good condition?



Hi Quinnicus

 thanks for the prompt response.

The aerial cable that I have is fairly new and in good condition.

Funnily enough, I have ordered a "better" quality one, which should be here early next week as the one that I have is quite long and I wanted to hide all of my cabling up.

Will see if that makes a difference.

Having said that, the EPG has now populated properly, but I still can't "marker" a programme for viewing later, which seems a bit odd?

There is a "view" tab when I select a programme, but it will only allow me to select it on a programme that is currently being transmitted, not one for later on today/tomorrow.

Seems a bit odd.

Thanks again for your response.


Not applicable

Hi there


Your welcome.  Unfortunately I dont have a 2015 TV, so I cant advise on the 'mark' program issue, maybe someone else can help on that.


For me, I find that If i separate the aerial cable away from the Hdmi ones, i get better a better siganl, less intereference.




I'm desperate for a marker / reminder / timer function too.  


I've asked Sony, but was rudely blown off with some standard text/answers on how to use the EPG.  I know how to use it, but where is the marker function?!  My old Sony had one, that TV was brilliant.  This TV seems too clever for it's own good.  Slow, buggy, and basic EPG functions missing.

Well I've heard back from Sony and been advised to reset the unit to "factory"settings and to download the latest software.

Errrr.............. I did that 6 days ago when I bought it!!

I'll give it a go, but I can't help thinking that this is the stock answer for all reported faults.

I've got an old Humax FoxSat box gathering dust.

I may well be firing that up tonight. At least I'll get an EPG that works.
