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KD-49XD7005 not holding lan internet connection

KD-49XD7005 not holding lan internet connection

Hi, I have my bravia KD49XD7005 connected to my BT home hub 6 via a lan cable but every day the connection fails, the TV says its connected via wired lan in the settings, it has an ip address in the network settings but says its not connected.

I have tried static ip but this still fails after a day the connection is there just no traffic or throughput.

WiFi is ok but I dont want to use this as it's no good for 4k netflix.

I haven't got parental filters or bt access switched on on my hub.

If I reset my router I have internet to my tv for a day or so then it goes again and I dont want to have to reset my hub everytime I want to use the smart features of my supposedly smart tv.

Any help would be appreciated.



I have exactly the same problem. 5 TV's in my house. Only one is a Sony. The £2000 Sony 65 inch TV is the only one that loses Wifi every hour and so i switched to a LAN cable connection, and low and behold, it loses that every single day, multiple times a day. Which is odd because every other device in the house functions fine. My son has his X Box on LAN and he is playing now as i type but apparently, my super expensive Sony POS has no connection again. 

This is the last time i buy a Sony TV. I'm up to replace one of the Samsungs because it's outdated. I will replace it with a Samsung because they're simply a more reliable brand.

Have you checked the Date & Time settings? I've seen multiple people reporting that simply switching to Use Network Time was enough to solve disconnection issues.