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KD-55X8509C - touchpad remote not working after recent upgrade


KD-55X8509C - touchpad remote not working after recent upgrade

Hi all,


First of all just wanted to say, that I'm not very happy with the TV so far in terms of it's behaviour and operation. I was expecting it to be slow (it's Android after all) but not unresponsive. After it settles down after start up (usually 5-10 minutes) it's ok, but first few minutes are so painful - the screen stutters, menus not working, buttons not working etc.

Most friends recommended Samsung - but I wanted to be different. Now I regret.


Now - to the point. There was some upgrade last week and since then, my touchpad remote does not work after first start up. Meaning, I have to use the big remote to switch the TV on, and to initially scroll through the menus. After that, I can use the small remote, before that - it just does not work at all. Also in 50% cases I cannot switch the tv off with small remote - have to use the big one.


If someone has any idea why does this happen - great. If not, I will just keep moaning about this TV.


Thanks a lot.


Im having the same issue. Mine is not working 90% of the time now and when it does work there is a huge lag with the TV meaning im often selecting the wrong things by the time it responds.


Any ideas anyone?


Ok so after looking around the site i found these and my remote seems to be working again.....for now at least


Follow this one first


Then this one