KD-65XD7505 unresponsive sometime


KD-65XD7505 unresponsive sometime

It's been 4 days since I have purchased sony KD-65XD7505 model. And I can see below noticiable issues:-


(1) Remote is freezing. Mostly when I start the TV. TV does not respond to any key on the remote control. It happens for a minute or so and then everything is normal.

Also,  it does NOT happen everytime I start the TV.  Seems to be intermittent issue.


(2) Sometime TV respose is slow, there is lag between pressing the button on TV remote and actual response on TV. Eg:- scrolling down on the home screen.


I cheched the software on the TV and it seems to be upto date. As per like :-






Please let me know if anything I should do to fix above mentioned issues.



Not applicable

Hi there


In regards to your first point, this is most likely due to the TV 'booting' up after being in 'deep sleep' mode.  After a couple of hours of the TV being turned off, the TV enters a state called 'deep sleep'  in order to save power etc.  But just like a computer waking up from hibernation, certain services needs to be re-activated or booted up.  So this is quite normal.  However you should get a picture on the TV from a Freeview signal rather quickly, its just that you will need to wait for a minute until the TV is fully operational.


In regards to point two - sometimes a reboot of the TV is required.  Press and hold the power button on the remote control for more than 6 seconds and a message will appear on the TV saying it will now restart.  This can fix some laggyness.




I undertand your point one. But not second one, not for such a expensive TV.

I think problem is the RAM (8GB), android is not so good at RAM management. Should have been 16GB RAM?




I have kind of the same problem. In my case it happends from switching on TV after standby mode. see also https://community.sony.co.uk/t5/android-tv/sony-kdl-50w755c-remote-unresponsive-after-standby/m-p/21...


Hopefully a new software version will fix the issue




My TV software version is :-

Software version:- PKG6.0614.0004EUA
Build:   BRAVIA_ATV2_EU-user 6.0.1 MMB29V.S50


I emailed Sony support and following is the response:- 


The marshmallow update is set to release by the end of the month. It has been release on some tv's but as any update some problems have came up. The marshmallow version is PkG 3.8 . 

The unresponsive issue is not related to marshmallow, for that please do a factory reset.




I dont understand, I have not updated any software and it's only a week I bought this TV. Then how does factorty reset would make any difference? I mean , it's going to reset to the same software, isn't it?


So I am not sure, whether I should reset or wait for and upate.. Please suggest. 


Just what i thought! , i don't see the benefit of a factory reset. Sony provide this "solution" to everyone but it is more a temporary solution and not a final fix. In my case it helps to remove the battery's from the remote contoller for about 10 seconds an put them back. Is it possible for you to check that and let me know the result?
Another thought is a hardware failure, maybe something is wrong with the TV receiver or with the remote contoller it self..
But to be sure i will wait for the new version and see what happends. If the problem still persist i call the reseller where i bought this TV. It is still in fabric warrenty :slight_smile:

Well, as I mentioned earlier, It happens for few minutes. So I don;t think I need to do anything with the remote. 

It's just that lagginess sometime that irritates. Obviously, no one would accept that from 1K£ TV and that too within a week. 


Also, it's seems to be software problem as hardware problem will presist.



I like this TV, but if it starts acting weird, then I will return it after few weeks.