Latest firmware update

Latest firmware update

Hi my KD-43XD8088 tv was updated yesterday and I have lost bbc iplayer, my5 and itvhub- message 'this feature is unavailable'. This is very disappointing as it is only 4 years old. Is this something I can fix myself or are Sony just determined to push their own pay-for apps? I've done a reboot and turned it off at the wall etc.



I too have this problem with my 55AG9.  Very poor from Sony.  I live in Scotland can't access the STV player at all and the ITV hub doesn't work in Scotland.  I can't install the STV player as the TV won't allow it and I'm forced to use the useless Youview app which again doesn't support STV.


Why do they mess things up like this?  Sony take ages to release updates and when they do they're always laden with bugs and missing features.  I personally don't want youview, I'd much prefer to use apps that I want to use.  I paid for the TV so let me install what I see fit.

On your AG9, try pressing the OK button whilst watching TV.


If it's like my AF9 you'll get the name of the show, a progress indicator etc and a down arrow.


Press down on the remote.


You should then see it is on "Guide" and you will also see "Apps", "MyTV", TV Shows", "Films" and "Settings".


If you press right to go to "Apps" you should then see the player apps underneath.  STV Player is over to the right (not sure how to change the order or remove stuff yet).


I agree that I wish they wouldn't bugger about with this stuff.  I only installed the update as it said it fixed HDMI ARC sound drop outs, which it seems to do (after it being like this for nearly ever).  Unfortunately the YouView guide app is now worse than ever.


The ONE thing I wish they would sort is being able to set reminders for shows...but that seems to be beyond them still.

Take it back - reminders are actually there now!  I missed the small alarm bell icon in the guide.


Just needs a more cohesive place for apps now!

Hi Murph,  I had another look and guess what, STV player is now there, thanks for your input.  Definitely wasn't there yesterday.  


Still a very convoluted way to find it, I'm not keen on the Youview app at all, I had it disabled in the previous firmware version.  I'd still prefer to install the individual catch up apps and have links to them on the favourites bar and its a shame that can't be done.


Again, thanks for your help!

I had the players set up that way before.  As I also use other apps on the TV (Kodi, Netflix, Disney+ etc) it kept everything in the same place which was ideal.


But the update has undone that.


There's an "apps" section in the Apps menu option but it says they're unavailable...if that could be used to drop apps onto, and the order of those that show adjusted it would probably do what we want.


(I'd also like to be able to record to an external HDD).


Anyway, give it a few years and it'll all be working brilliantly :grin:

Yes, that's exactly how I liked to have it setup and they ruined it!  For being Android, it's not very customisable.


The twin tuner is handy for recording to HDD whilst watching another channel.  If they'd just get rid of Youview, it would be great!

You can sideload a version of the catch up apps and add them to home and the apps view.  I have youview turned off and the apps installed this way.

You need a PC to copy the apps onto a USB, then use a file manager app to install them.

Note the youview versions are still on your TV in Sony select, which you can hide as launching the itv or ch4 apps from select will re activate youview.  I have an XF, but think the sideload versions now work on most models so might be worth trying. Google Hoshsadiq for the apps which are on github



I was using sideloaded apps - hadn't updated them in a while (hadn't needed to) but they'd stopped working after the update.


Will see how the family get on with them.  Though the YouView guide is nicer to use than the standard Freeview one IME.


Same complaint I've had since getting my AF9 - the interface is a bit messy and the YouView implementation not ideal.  


Love the TV though (and have just started getting 4k HDR content on it - incredible!).



The BBC iPlayer still supports your TV:-


On sets from this year, the original arrangement was that Sony provided the BBC iPlayer and My5, and YouView provided the itv hub and All4, and you needed to have tuned the terrestrial channels in order for these last two to work.


On 2020 sets, I believe, YouView started providing all four Players, and they were supposed to work without needing the terrestrial tunings.


We have reports that this is not the case; and further reports that recent updates have broken the provision entirely.


Also, it seems that YouView have been backfilling, and bringing the older sets up to the new way of working, and not quite getting it right.


Have you tuned in the terrestrial channels?


If not, can you do that, and see if it fixes things?


You don’t mention All4 above, which I would expect to be similarly affected. Is that because you don’t use it and haven’t tried it, or does it work for you, or what?


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