Sony Bravia KD49XH8505 Sound Issues

Sony Bravia KD49XH8505 Sound Issues

We purchased a Sony Bravia KD49XH8505 (2020) around 8 weeks ago and to be honest we’re pretty disappointed with it. The picture quality is fine and much better that the 5 year old Panasonic it replaced as you would expect, but we have having issues with sound on an almost daily basis now.


As an overview of the configuration, we have a SkyHD box connected via HDMI to HDMI1 and a Sonos Beam connected via HDMI ARC to HDMI3.  The TV is fully update to date with updates.


We have 3 main sound issues as follows:

  1. Sometimes, when we turn the TV on to watch Sky via HDM1, we get no sound via the Sonos Beam. If we go into the sound settings and change the output from Auto1 to Auto2, the sound starts working again. Within a day or so the same issue normally re-occurs, so we go back into the sound settings and change the output from Auto 2 back to Auto 1 and the sound starts working again.
  2. Randomly, when we press the Netflix button on the remote, Netflix starts, but there is no sound. If we clear the Netflix app cache it starts working again, sometimes we have to remove power to the TV and restart it to solve the issue.
  3. Occasionally, when we turn the TV on the sound is garbled through, if we restart the TV this seems to resolve it.

Has anyone else experienced the same? Is there anything I can look at in the config or cabling wise or is the TV faulty and needs replacing?


Thanks in advance.


Hi gillw72,


This seems to be a corrupted cache or setting.


Try clearing the cached data (under Device Preferences - Storage - Internal Shared Storage - Cached data) then hold the power button for ~5 sec to restart it.


- JD

Thanks for the reply. 


I have tried that, but the problem reoccurs.  Looking through this forum a few XH owners seem to have similar problems so I'm guessing the issue was caused by the last software update.


Following advice in other posts, I have turned off RS232C control and set the Simple IP control to on and this appears to have stabilised it, although it's early days. I'll let you know if the problem reoccurs.