
ZD9 ARC Issue

Recently purchased a ZD9, from a 8509c, sky box and blu-ray are connected to str dn1080 then to tv via arc. Had the amp for about 2 months, but since connecting to the Z, every time the tv turns on or i change a setting in the tv menu, the soundfield keeps switching to multi stereo, when i select  sky on hdmi 3. So have to use amp remote to switch it back to 'direct'. Only solution is to turn control for hdmi off in amp menu, which is a pain, because now i have to use 2 remotes to turn tv off and on. Tried FR for amp and tv but no joy. Anything else i could try or is the only option to replace the tv? If i'm correct, i thought in the early stages of the 2015 models, there were problems with the ARC, but were eventually fixed. Two years later my tv is having the same issues!. Any advice appreciated


ARC is a mess. Even between the components from the same manufacturer. It's mostly OK for some basic stuff but as soon as you include same controls and sound format switching......

Anyway, did you try with your AVR on A.F.D.? I have Denon now but that worked just fine when I did have a SONY AVR.

yes, what ever audio setting i choose, always defaults back to multi stereo, just a pain as on my £1200 8509c no probs, and on £3000 Z, problem

Not sure if you’ve solved this yet but I had exactly the same irritating issue. It’s the TV that’s doing it. Go into setting and then sound. Then sound again, where it says (Adjust to experience the different sound effects) I had to change the selection from Standard to Cinema to get it to communicate correctly with the AV amp. Stupid I know, another Sony bug. You would think they would test their devices together to see if they communicate correctly. 

Hope this is of some help.