playing US zone's DVD and Blue rays

playing US zone's DVD and Blue rays


I live in Switzerland and have just bought the new Sony BDV-IZ1000W and as expected it won't play US DVD and US Blue rays ... and I have many of those e.g. The Universe from the History Channel.

I would like to know what is a viable solution ... the only solution I can think of is to buy an inexpensive US Sony Blue ray player e.g. in B&H there are some good ones somewhere around 100 bucks. The only problem is that either:

1) I could buy one Blue ray player without surround system outputs (and just connect it directly to the TV) or

2) I wont be able to connect that other Blue ray player to my current surround system without having to manually keep switching from connecting the surround output to either one.

Is there a way to maybe have the US Blue ray player send the signal to the Swiss Blue ray so I can enjoy my US DVD in full surround as well? something along the lines of connecting the HDMI output of the US player to the input of the Swiss player? or some similar trick like this?

IMO this code lock concept is really crazy ...

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,



Hi the only way to resolve your issue would be with another player and connect to the HDMI input on the BDV-IZ1000W, you would have to purchase a player with HDMI control for simple press play and auto switching function.