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Can't put device into flashmode mode.


Can't put device into flashmode mode.

I have the Xperia L (C2105) with latest firmware (.14 not .17 because in my country for some reason .17 is not yet available).

I am trying to connect into flashmode but I can't.

Phone is accessible throuh Sony PC Companion. When I plug it Windows (7) recognize it .

I am trying with SUS but with no luck.

This is what I do.

(usb cable is plugged into PC)

1. Switch off phone completely. Screen goes black and phone does not respond.

2. Press and hold volume down

3. Insert usb into phone slot.

nothing happens.

I guess I should see led goes green, or phone switching on? In any case phone remains off and SUS can't go on to the next step after connection.

Is there any problem with the phone?

PS: I also tried factory reset.

Any help would be appreciated.


There is no signs on phone that you can see. Just connect usb cable to computer, switch off phone, press Vol.- button and while holding button plug in micro usb connector. On a PC should be popped notification "Found new hardware". That's it - no blinking leds, no display, nothing on a phone. If you put phone in fastboot mode I think that there will be blue notification led lighting.


Thanks, but PC does not respond either.

I guess it is not a problem with the drivers, because Sony PC Compantion wouldn't be able to connect to Xperia.

Procedure is very simple to mess it up.

Any other idea I might give it a try?



For some reason I pressed power-button, while pressing volume down. This switched on my phone and PC installed drivers.

Now whenever I want to go into flashmode, I press power button twice while holding volume down (after inserting micro-usb in phone).

Strange, isin't it?


me to i cant man what should i doo ????????>>>????>??


I have c2104, i had the same error. but when you press volume - rapidly, press power buttom like 5 times, press volume + and power and volume - for some reason flash mode runs. thanks to the person who told the idea of pressing power and volume -

I have solution, and you can get your device to go into any modes - flashmode or fastboot mode in this version of Xperia Waving_Hand Clapping_Hands just Click here to watch how to do that :

Enjoy Grinning_Face_with_smiling_Eyes .


Note: I will not responsible if you see any problem by doing these steps. But it is safe

It is not problem of your phone. It is problem of your pc.

Follow these steps to go in flashmode or fastboot mode:-

1. Open cmd in your pc by searching in start menu.

1. Type "rstrui" in cmd.

3. System restore will open.

4. Select the time when your phone is working in flashmode or fastboot mode.

5. Click on restore, it may take some while.

6. After that try your phonw with flashmode or fastboot mode

7. Enjoy!!!:smileysmileythumbsup: