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Hello my xperia L has been wet to be precise I call an egg on him at first it did not work because it did not charge the battery and it restarted constantly after a few days charge the battery and now it works fine but no sound is heard or you hear very low both the tone of the call and the interlocutor and also happens with the multimedia sounds and the alarm would appreciate if you could help me to solve the problem because as I say otherwise everything works well awaiting your comments receive a cordial greeting,
Hola mi xperia L se ha mojado para ser precisos me callo un huevo encima de él en principio no funcionaba porque no cargaba la batería y se reiniciaba constantemente después de unos días cargo la batería y ahora funciona bien pero no se oye sonido alguno o se oye muy bajito tanto el tono de llamada como el interlocutor y también pasa con los sonidos multimedia y la alarma agradecería si me pudieseis ayudar a solucionar el problema porque como digo por lo demás funciona todo bien en espera de sus comentarios reciban un cordial saludo,
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I'm sorry to hear about the issue, but that's a hardware problem, most likely you will need to replace the speakers. But do contact your Local support to get it inspected/repaired.