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Xperia L1 Exchange Services ate my Data.


Xperia L1 Exchange Services ate my Data.


I have a problem which has baffled everyone I’ve spoken to at Tesco /O2 and Sony Tech. So far my network provider has fobbed me off.

My monthly contract renews every 22nd of the month with 500mb. For the past 5 years with Tesco I’ve rarely used half my allowance every month. It is used for email, photos and BBC iplayer Radio only.

on the 23rd of January all my data was used in one day whilst the phone wasn’t being used. 40mb went in one minute alone and all 50 recorded uses that day were 10240kb. All the useage was background with no foreground used.

Tesco had me circumvent the problem by switching off background data which now means the phone doesn’t work correctly. I constantly have to cancel a repeating error message when trying to look at email which tells me to switch on background data. Tesco also had me switch off all background in every app. Strangely BBC iplayer still gobbles data in the background whilst the setting is at off.

Has anyone a clue what the problem is? I’ve had three Sony phones in a row with no problem then switched to an iphone. Now I’m back with Sony I have this problem with a 4 month old phone. 

Tesco have charged me for going over my limit. I can’t risk switching email exchange services back on and have it eating data again.

Thanks for reading..........


I don’t think there will be any replies to this so knowing it already appears in a Google search I’ll update myself as it may help someone in the future. 

I’ve learned that exchange services is linked to Microsoft email. I have three linked Microsoft email accounts. I’ve been told that 10240kb is the largest amount of data available at one time then it resets and starts again.

Tesco stated the problem was the frequency of the software checking 3 email accounts however this doesn’t make sense with three months of no problems. In total my email accounts for only 5mb of data.

Sony Tech, the Indian call centre where they all have bizarre English names, ended up sending me an email advising me how to switch off my background data after complaining that my phone didn’t work properly with background data turned off. Bizarre again. I was promised a call back in 30-60 minutes after Mike Williams had taken advice but there was no call back. I had to call again 24 hours later and explain it again. Despite repeatedly stating that the problem was exchange services, I was told, Mr ian, I am not lying to you, the only way you would use that much data is because your phone software has updated. Nonsense, it doesn’t update through email. My last update of anything was 14/1/17. I have the latest Android 7 software.

I’ve also been told that Sony is only responsible for the Hardware, the software is Google Android and nothing to do with Sony. I was also told to switch on and off my cell data as and when needed. I shouldn’t have to do this.

The only other thing I can add is that on the previous evening to the problem I sent Four Photos by email over my wifi. They didn’t arrive so I sent them again. The first four never arrived. I wonder if this caused a glitch.

I’ve had no meaningful help from my provider and Sony Tech are pointless. Sony should stand by their product with proper support. I shouldn’t have to look for help from a users forum.

The phone is being junked. I’m going back to iphone. No more Sony. No more Android.