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the phone lags and heats up a lot.


the phone lags and heats up a lot.

The phone lags in every app i open and continue to use it and the device heats up alot.

what should be done, as the device to make it run smoothly.


Hi @Ya_Kha,

Sorry to hear that your phone seems to be quite troublesome for you.

Does this happen for every app you start or is it just for specific applications that you experience this behaviour? If you experience this even with the preinstalled applications, is there any change if you reboot your phone to safe mode?

Is your phone about to run out of available free storage? Look under Settings > Storage, how much is available here on the internal storage? If the memory is just about full the devices performance may be affected. If that is the case I would advise that you transfer as much data as possible to an SD-card and that you try to clear up as much as possible.

I would also recommend you check out the tips on improving performance on our Tips and Tricks board:

Let me know if there's any change!


internal storage is 0.95 MB avaliable,the all data is transfer to Memory card, but it still shows  75% of interna lstorage is full whenever i transfer any data to Memory Card and the device lags in opening of the app, irrespective of the app, it also heats up alot.

how can this problem can be overcome.


Even after moving, the data to SD card, some pics, video, data remains on internal memory, how to move that to SD card, any app avaliable. 


Hello again @Ya_Kha,

I'm sorry for not replying sooner.

If the internal storage of your phone is as full as you say it is I would say that it is very likely that what you are experiencing is related to this.

Everything will unfortunately not be possible to transfer to the SD-card. You can use the built-in feature to transfer as much as possible by going to Settings > Storage > Transfer data to SD-card.

In order to free up memory on the internal storage there are a few things you can do.
- Delete stored cache, go to Settings > Storage > Internal storage > Press Cached data > Clear/Delete. Note that some apps will redownload cachedata as soon as you start them again. However this is a good way to free up memory without the risk of losing any personal data. Deleting the cache doesn't delete any user data stored in that applications. The application might need a bit longer to start up the next time. This is not perceivable in most cases.
- You can uninstall apps or updates for the apps, go to Settings > Apps. Here you will be able to find all of the apps installed in your device. You mentioned that you had tried clearing data for a few of them. I suggest that you go through the list of apps and see if you find anything that you are not using and check if you can uninstall the app or its updates. Note that this will not be possible for most preinstalled apps.

I also recommend setting the Camera-app to automatically save photos on the SD-card.

To change data storage for photos
Activate the camera.
Tap the Settings icon, then select Data storage > SD card.

In order to manually transfer data from the internal storage of your device to an SD-card there are two ways to proceed. You can do this either directly in the phone or by using a computer.

Doing it directly in the phone requires that you use a File Manager application, simply open the file you wish to transfer and copy the file. Then open a desired folder on the SD-card and paste the file here.

Using a computer is similar. Using a computer running Windows you can drag-and-drop files using the preinstalled file explorer in Windows. If you, however, are on a Mac you will need our program Xperia Companion in order to manage your files.

Let me know if this helped!


Hi Team I am using Sony Xperia M2 dual whenever I am charging my mobile or watching videos I am observed that near camera phone getting heated. While charging also I am the heating problem persist. Kindly help me to get it resolved. I just worried It may leads my phone to getting into trouble.


Hello @Viswanathd,

Welcome the community!

It looks like your post was merged with this thread. Check out the suggestions here and let me know you have any questions!


HI didrik I am using Xperia m2 dual model whenever I watching videos or while charging the phone gets heated backside near camera. So kindky suggest to get.resolved

You meant to say to reset all the applications

Hello again @Viswanathd,

Sorry to hear that. Did you check out my previous suggestions in this thread? Let me know if they helped! Slightly_smiling_Face

What application is it that you are using for watching videos in your phone?

First if all I'd recommend that you try rebooting your phone to safe mode to see if there's any change. Should you experience the same behaviour while charging or watching videos even while in safe mode, please let me know!

I would also recommend that you try charging your phone while it is powered off, are you still experiencing that it gets heated up?