low quality caller id picture

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low quality caller id picture

Is there any way to improve the resolution of id picture I assign to a contact. The default resolution when phone ringing/calling is quite low but in contact folder is ok (high resolution).


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Did you sync your contacts to any account? Did you join contacts?

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Did you sync your contacts to any account? Did you join contacts?

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Yes, I synced my concact with contact in Google account (gmail....), but what`s the point? I transfered photo on phonebook from phone photo folder - memory card in mobile phone (high resolution photo in photo folder and high resolution photo id on avatar phone contact)

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there are no ways or options man. because SE Engineers are BRILLIANT.


I believe that it got something to do with gmail sync, it must have shrunk the resolution of the pictures during the sync.

There is a way to fix it. I will explain briefly here, just ponder on the following for the moment.

You need to remove pictures attached to contacts from your gmail account. On your phone, you need to have a set of PHONE CONTACTS with pictures and GOOGLE CONTACTS without pictures, then join them. Now, when you sync with google, no pictures will be sync-ed (google contacts without pictures). When your phone ring, only pictures from your PHONE CONTACT will appear.

I will explain in detail tomorrow if needed. It's late at nite now and I have to go. Sorry.

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Ok. I'll try. I will disconnect sync and then remove ALL id photo in both (google gmail & phonebook). Then attached images/id photo to contact in phonebook, and I'll make a call... and see what's goin' on. Then, I will sync with google.... and...? Tomorrow.

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I've tried, but nothing. Sync OFF - remove all id photo avatar from phone phonebook - attached pictures to phone contact in phone book from memory card (photo is brilliant, high resolution) - check phonebook info (photo is sharp, crystal clear) - close app. - make a call............ - same thing.... low quality picture on half screen (remember: sync is still OFF!). I think it`s something with a new update android 2.1, ` couse with android 1.6 - no problem at all!!!!!!


I have the same problem, if I take a picture then assigned it to someone it will be all blurry

I think, I'm not sure if this is the reason behind it, but I think that what happen is when we assign a picture, it reduce it's resolution so it will look great on the phonebook but then it blows it up to make it your caller ID picture and by doing so it will look just horrible.

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I don`t think that`s a problem. Photo image on memory card in photo folder is high resolution image. But when op system reduce it`s resolution from normal size of foto image in photo folder - to size avatar image in phonebook, system reduce and pixels too, and a photo avatar in phonebook info is smaller, but still great, clear and sharp. But again, when you make a call.... then system blows up AVATAR IMAGE on half screen (IMAGE FROM PHONEBOOK with a small pixels quantity) but NOT a image from phonebook (with huge pixels). I think that`s a problem with softver algorithms. 


I've been playing with the phone and I haven't been able to find a reason why is using a thumbnail instead of the real size picture.