problame with background defocus


problame with background defocus

SIr, i've tried  so many times by completing requirement of defocusiing. I put object around 30 cms from background and wait for almost 5-7 min with steady hand to blur the background, but still cant defocus background. 


check this..taken with xperia SP and camera defocuse app



Sir, i think not. Can you try the background defocus app on a xperia sp and then suggest something more substantial? Thanks in advance Slightly_smiling_Face

Very bad in macro photography

I don't say it doesn't work at all but I've tried many and many times and no results for me. I've searched in Google play store comments and there are a lot of people with SP with the same problem.

i just want to know proper steps to follow .. becuase i have also tried many of times but i failed ... and i also want to knwo that camera will automatcally warn us while defocus complete or any sign that shows us defocus is complete ??

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first of all: your object must be about 30cm from phone..then tap on it

also nothing must have on that distance..for example if you hold object in hand your hand will be defocus with object

secend:the background must have 2-3 meters away about object

i did try capturing pics for many times until i found how to capture it properly

as i mentioned above i did take those pics with my sp


sir, in your case, atleast, camera can defoucus background. in my ( and many of other's) case it constantly shows message " could not blur background". i think sony has released this app just for some limited kernals. 

i m not saying that unable to capture defocus pics is only sony's fault. but i tried my best.

i have searched on playstores comment, i have never seen a XSP user commenting that it works good. All i have seen are ZL,ZR,Z,Z1 compact,Z2 users.  

atleast sony can make it userfriendly like google camera.




beckground defoucs by me ...  actually i must say sorry to sony for all these blasphamy Winking_Face Winking_Face Grinning_Face .. n coardially thankz fo this app.. 
for those who want to get the result ... 
first of all u have to know that it captures TINY images first and defocus it properly so my advice is to put finger in that "SQUARE" ( when it says you to touch the area you want to focus) as i'hve shown in last image ( put finger very close to camera lense )... when you put it would defocus in no time ... ( if not then try to move finger  very slowly away from camera lense and see whether it defocus or not )

in my other images background is almost 4-6 feet away and that DEO bottle if very close to lense ....

my another advice is that please do not put OBJECT ( you want to focus ) on groundflor .. becouse it would be hard for camera to diffrentiate between background and ground flor ... 

but still i can not defocus a background while capturing picture of PERSON ... 

but it feels good after capturing it .. Face_with_stuck-out_Tongue Face_with_stuck-out_Tongue Grinning_Face 


Hii I too had d same problem previously but now it wrks fr me.. You have too take pic frm atleast 1ft distance n it wrks..dnt knw i cudnt make it work in indoor condtions but t wrked in outdoor conditions perfectly for me