kdl37ex503 picture problem


kdl37ex503 picture problem

My TV is just coming up to 2 years old and I have a picture problem and wondered if anyone could help with a possible remedy. Towards the middle and right hand side of the screen, there is only what I can describe as a cloud shaped area of the screen that appears to be a dirty mark on the screen (I know it isnt really that), it is more apparent when viewing a light background or when there is a large area of the same colour, as in golf or cricket. I dont really want to have to replace this TV after only 2 years, so any help would be appreciated, Thanks.


My KDL-26EX302 was 2 years old April this year and the picture is on it,s way out..I just get flickering black lines and when i switch on in the morning i just get sound it takes 30 minutes to warm up, but it has gotten worst over the months...I  was thinking it was a tetra radio interference or the new 4G  mobile network robbing us of our signal....

Not sure whether to call out an engineer or buy a new NON Sony television preferably an old analogue and plug in the virgin media box................


I have contacted Sony Customer Services twice regarding this and their advice was to press reset (no difference) or contact a Sony Repair Service for a PAID BY ME repair. When I described the problem to the repair Service they said "the screen has gone you need a new one". I asked for a price and was quoted "in the hundreds". As I appear to be getting the run around I have sent all the details to the BBC Watchdog programme to see if they will hold an investigation into Sony TV's in the UK and their lack of reliability. If I hear anything I will report it here.

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Just read the Topic regarding the KDL40v3000 on this forum and the reply from "SCFC_Messiah" on 7 Dec 12 shows the problems I have but I think it is worse on my TV. Got an email from Sony to say that my complaint had been escallated, hope something comes of it but won't be suprised if it doesn't.