
Sony KDL**HX923

Should i be worried, apparently complaints are comming in already for this new tv on dark verticle lines either side of the screen!, i have seen this before on the LG i had that went back for a full refund as it was the area where the ribbon cable joins at the screen for the backlight (could be seen from the front) i had 3 of them and the engineer said its not right, heres the pics of the Sony.

this was originally posted on another forum and the poster stated that this is reported by german customers and uk ones, however i have been waiting months for my pre order and dont have it yet!!

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535 REPLIES 535

thanks for the reply on the compensation glasses, it depends on if i get 2 free sets tomorrow, if your answer was any help.

in the back of my mind, i am wondering, if they supply another faulty tv, and i ask for my money back, should i still be able to keep the extra "compensation" glasses, humm theres one to ponder.


hi, glad to help, the right way to do this is to wait for your tv your dealer to speak to Lee at CIC to arrange delivery of the glasses once you have your set,

i doubt very much you will get them any other way and without taking sides to be equally fair you should return them from whence they came if you reject your tv (again!!).

in all likelyhood Sony will not send out compensation glasses willynilly there is the procedure in place to get them (albeit a little unclear)

if Lee (StartTheCar) is aware of your replacement then the glasses should not be an issue, furthermore bear in mind that this was a goodwill guesture on his part so should not be a problem.

i do hope your replacement meets your expectations, i also hope the rest of us fairs as well.

Bravi - can't argue with what you say really.

Except when you look at it from my point of view, i have now wasted nearly a weeks worth of holidays, due to this fiasco, so i feel i should have some compensation for that.


if i really wanted to be arsy, and i want my money back, i could also demand my trade-in tv back too, ha-ha, lets see em find that now.

i have never been so "not bothered" about a new gadget, as i am about the delivery tomorrow.


Can anyone confirm if there are going to be any good sets out there, am now starting to lose patience,like I am sure most on here are, have called lots of different dealers today (whilst still awaiting confirmation from my dealer that a new set has arrived instore for inspection, God knows when this will be!!) and they are all saying that THEIR sets are all fine and ALL new sets will be fine, but Sony's statement about un-uniformity seems to be telling a different story!!!

My dealer is now getting me a TV direct from Sonys own stock as they have been assured that ALL of these will be fine...hmmm im not holding much hope.

Do you all feel that this long painful wait will prove fruitful or pointless!!!

All I want is a TV with no faults!!! that's really not asking a lot is it ? have owned and inspected 2 x 06/2011 sets and a 07/2011 set all with varying levels of crease.

i had one from sony's "fine" wasn't fine.

the next wave are due in the uk later this month but as you say given sony's statement on un-uniformity and the fact we've already been told the production process wont change and these edge artefacts will always be there on this model i wouldn't hold your breath.

shame really as the TV is superb apart from this. sometimes i regret sending my first one back as it was better than the second one. if the dealer had offered me a discount on it i almost might have kept it....mind they'd need to have knocked it down to at least 2K for me to even think seriously about it.

Here's a thing, has anyone looked up the word un-uniformity?, well i did and as far as i can make out it does not exist!!, i looked at the websters dictionary which for all intents and perposes is an online dictionary and it dont mean a thing, what do you all make of that?

well the next one has turned up, at least its come early so i can use the rest of the day.

build 07/2011 - sno =1078

so thats 1076 more they have had to practice on since my first one.

so open the box, humm, no power usage sticker on the screen, but covered in grubby marks all over- no virgin tv for me, in fact it lookss a bit of a slut.

strangley the top right hnd corner creaks when you squeeze it a bit picking it up

so with a resigned feeling i turn it on, go through the setup, no sign of any black faults so far.

have to say, after watching a 12" portable for the last 2 weeks, the picture is just awesome.



i slip in the disney wow disk and display a blue screen

wait for it

wait for it

there is a faint black line down the left.


unlike my first one, this is not appearing on normal tv displays. i used to notice the first ones lines without a problem, this one is good on tv.

i think i am going to live with it over the weekend, just to make sure i'm not just shell shocked by the size.

in fact the only worry now, is the people who have reported that the fault gets worse over time and if i can clean it up.


is this the bit where we say congratulations or do we hold off for a bit?, naturally it must be one of the returns or its been inspected first!,

its unlikely to get any worst and its covered by the guarantee anyway,

as for cleaning it use a little lcd cleaner non spirit based with a bit of lint free cloth and wipe gently,

i know its gorilla glass but would still be gentle with it!

Has anyone yet recived their goodwill gesture glasses. I have had my set 4 weeks now and my details were sent to Sony by my dealer and still no glasses. :angry:  I do have a 923 that im happy with and enjoying it.:smileyhappy:


nice one!, so no issues with your model then? can you be more specific (serial, build date and if any crease visible please)

as for your glasses if you have heard no more from your dealer why not send StartTheCar a pm and explain to him whats happening perhaps he can liase with your dealer where they have got to.