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Cannot transfer music to Walkman NWZ-E454

Cannot transfer music to Walkman NWZ-E454


I've been experiencing problems lately with my Walkman. I bought my current player E454 in spring 2011 when my older Walkman broke up.

I have had Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit as my operating system on my computer from the beginning of purchasing my MP3-player and I haven't faced any problems until lately. I have problems moving files to my player with the usb cable (not much other options, lol). Very often my computer doesn't recognize the player at all and there is a message in the system tray that says "USB Device not regocnized".


Sometimes I can see the player as a removable drive (as it should be), but when I start to transfer any files to it, the connection drops out very soon. It's pretty random, but it always happens eventually. You pretty much cannot even transfer a single album from an artist before the connection falls. Usually after that the device is not showing anymore under my computer and device manager shows one usb device with an exclamation mark.


When the player is connected to my desktop and it's NOT functioning correctly, it shows the main start-up screen on the display instead of the message "Connected USB (MTP). The player cannot be operated." The battery still seems to recharge normally.


So far I have tried few things to correct this problem. I have tried to:

- Google this issue the best I can
- Connect the player to a different USB port (behind and front)
- Format the player with the player's own formatting tool
- Reset the player from the reset button behind the player
- Uninstall the usb driver of the device and reinstall it
- Uninstall the default usb driver and install some different drivers instead
- Use my cousin's USB cable instead of my own (which is surely working)

- Plug my computer's power cable off for a night and put it back on in the morning, and then plug in the player

- Transfer music with another Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit running computer

None of these have helped so far, and I think the problem is in corrupted drivers or somewhere else in my computer, but it is also possible that my player has just broke down (It still has warranty). I really need help with this issue, because I typically listen music from the player everyday and update the song library very often.

- Seve Salonen, from Finland
(sorry about my possible 'bad English')

Message was edited by: SprSkl

Message was edited by: SprSkl


Hi, SprSkl.

In case you're still dealing with this problem - try to switch on USB connection mode on your player (Settings --> Common settings --> USB Connection mode).