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MDR-1r headphones ? WOW !

MDR-1r headphones ? WOW !

I must first confess to straying over from the Reader Forum, but I wanted to give my opinion on the Sony MDR-1r cans.

I listen mainly to "Classical" music, leaning heavily towards Handell and Purcell, and the Baroque in general, and lashings of Blues, everything from Mr. Johnson to Joe Bonamassa, with the guitar being a constant.

Alas, so many tracks, so little money .....  :cry:

Anyway, I shall save a bit of cash for a fair while now, as I'll have to go through my entire, fairly eclectic,  collection, listening all over again for the things I missed in the past.

Because these headphones are simply awesome, to my ears anyway. Crystal clear, delivering a depth of tone like you wouldn't believe, and fantastic treble and bass, right through the range.  I just could not fault them, and the one time I tried them out at very high volume, was enough to persuade me I now have no need to ruin my eardrums any more than they are already - the quality of sound is pretty extraordinary.

I used to think I had decent 'phones in the past, but not alongside these little beauties. It really is like being in the best seats at a performance.

In fact, watching a DVD of a live concert with them on, is just that !

Appearance-wise, no complaints either. They are trim and neat, light to wear, and very comfortable.

My son and heir, a musician anyway, took them on test for a few days, and I had to threaten him with giving his inheritance to charity before I could get 'em back - and even then he thought for a while ............

Oh, and as far as keeping your sounds to yourself goes, you're safe with these - I got no complaints from those watching yet another re-run of " Downton ...."  while I lost myself in my own little combination of  "The Messiah"

and Gary Moore and Bonamassa. ( Quite an achievement, frankly........ )

So, in my humble opinion, Sony are onto a real winner with these brilliant headphones.

In fact, if I can convince myself to either carry a man-bag , or wear jackets with proper pockets, I might be diching the Sennhauser earbuds for gadding about in the open air, 'cos I'm now totally spoilt ...... :thinking:

Message was edited by: carpetmojo


Thanks for posting a review..:smileyhappy:

Great review! Mirrors similar reviews on Head-Fi....

Best review ever.

I was sold by Beats by Dre a while back but after opening my ears, there are so many others out there. Looks like I might need to try out these babies myself, thanks :

Message was edited by: Watashiwateshdes

Glad my post was of interest - incidentally, might have found a new "market" for them.

I persuaded my neighbour - who is of the well-known "certain age" party, and has issues with TV audio - to try 'em, and, once we got over the "messing up me hairdo" situation, was extremely impressed.................

The "so that's why they wear them" quote afterwards was fairly priceless I thought ...... :cool:

Watashiwateshdes, you should give it a try, MDR-R1 are not the audiophile kind but the general sound is pretty good and definitly better than the Beats tat are one of the worst headphone ever made...

one advice, don't waste extra money with the NC/bluetooth the sound are not up to the regular one lol