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A/V Sync

Hi everyone.  Brand new to the forum today!


I've always used and been happy with Sony products and have just upgraded my system a couple of days ago.


I went for a KDL-55W905 Television, STR-DN1040 Receiver Amp and BDP-S5200 BluRay player.


As I work in broadcasting as an Editor I'm pretty knowleagble about picture and audio etc and have spent a day calibrating the TV so I'm happy with the picture using the Spears & Munsell setup disk.  Very happy so far!


Whilst calibrating the audio for the BluRay player I noticed quite a substantial sync mismatch between video and audio, which I thought was strange as I have the amp set to HDMI Auto for A/V sync.  I have manually adjusted this and it is 80ms out.  Seeing as I've gone for a complete Sony package I thought it rather odd that the sync would be so far out on the HDMI, but I've got it set up now so happy with that.


The big issue I have is with the sync on the Television.  The audio comes out of the receiver amp AFTER the video on the television.  This input is also set to HDMI Auto.  The trouble is, I need to delay the Video to bring it into line with the audio and I can't see a way to do this.  Even if I set the delay to 0ms manually, the audio still follows the video.  Looks to be about 2 frames out.  If I set the system to output audio through the TV and the Amp, you hear a noticable echo between the two when playing simultaniously.


Yesterday I went and bought a rather expensive optical cable to see if that would fix the issue rather than running the audio through the HDMI and selecting OPT as the input for the TV channel on the receiver.  Exactly the same problem.  I don't understand why the sync is not perfect when set to HDMI Auto.


Does anyone have any suggestions?  I have emailed Sony about the issue, but as yet have had no response.


Many thanks for your help and I look forward to hearing your comments!



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