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Android TV - TV Guide not populating

Hi All,


Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide on this...


Recently purchased a 49X8307C, have plugged into Satellite Dish (only one connection, not two) and have NOT plugged into a TV Aerial as we have very poor reception. The unit is also setup on WiFi.


The TV Guide does not populate. If I'm on BBC One, it shows BBC Ones events, ITV, it shows ITV's events, but not anything else unless im actually tuned in and watching that channel.


Has anyone had this issue on an Android set? Or does anyone know if, for example, I need to be plugged into a TV Aerial to get a guide? (Would be very upset if this is the case as it works fine on my Samsung without)...


Any help would be appreciated! I've factory reset, powered on and off etc as Sony Support have suggested but no joy.


Thanks in advance!





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