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Sony A1 OLED Firmware for DolbyVision

Dear Sony,


When are you releasing the new DolbyVision Firmware for the A1 OLED TVs??? As I see, it is already released in the USA, so when on Earth are you going to release it for EUROPE and the rest of the world??? We are almost Mid March 2018 now and no word from you!!! Even the 30th of January 2018 announcement has not been updated with a date or time of when this is going to be release. If it is released in the USA, then why is it being delayed for the rest of the world?? What I feel now is that I'm begining to regret this expensive purchase and I wish that I had made the right descision and went with the LG OLED units which already have DolbyVision built in from day one. Come on....

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