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Cant swipe downwards to be able to see notifications on my phone please advise
Hi @Spiff371, let me see if I can help out here!
Do you have a screen protector mounted on the display that may interfere with the touch screen? Also have you been able to carry out a quick test of the touchscreen in the support app to see if the top part of the display is responding as intended? Find and tap Settings > Support > Xperia Tests > Touchscreen.
Another thing that you can try is to reboot your phone to safe mode to see if you are able to swipe down the notifications there. All apps downloaded from Play Store is temporarily deactivated while in safe mode, this will let you know whether this behaviour is caused by a downloaded app or not. For more information on safe mode and how to use it, click here.
Try this and let me know how it goes!
Bonjour, c'est une faille d'android car la barre de notification est accessible depuis l'écran de verrouillage, pour contourner le problème, il faut aller dans paramètres, notification, configurer les notifications, et mettre les 3 switch sur 0 ou off(comme on veut) pour faire en sorte que les notifs s'affichent à l'écran de verrouillage et ainsi supprimé les notifs. Si ça peut aider quelques personnes.
Hello, this is a flaw of android because the notification bar is accessible from the lock screen, to work around the problem, you have to go to settings, notification, configure notifications, and put the 3 switch on 0 or off (as you want) to ensure that the notifs are displayed on the lock screen and thus removed the notifs. If it can help some people.