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Lorsque j'active la Wi-Fi ou Internet, je reçois des publicités très régulièrement (à intervalle de 5 minutes), et ce depuis hier soir. Je ne sais pas si c'est lié mais juste avant que cela commence j'ai effectué un téléchargement : à partir des paramètres "Réseau et Internet "; "Réglages Internet".
When I turn on Wi-Fi or the Internet, I get regular commercials (at 5-minute intervals) since last night. I do not know if it's linked but just before it starts I made a download: from the "Network and Internet" settings; "Internet Settings".
Cordially. - GT
Hi @BlackBurn-65, sorry to hear about this.
I have translated your question to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.
Did this start to happen after downloading a new app or after an app was updated? In the majority of the cases regarding unwanted popups, it is a downloaded app that is causing the popups to appear. Try rebooting your phone in safe mode to see if the popups appear there as well.
Try this and let me know how it goes!