Phone hangs

Все чаще телефон зависает от нескольких секунд до нескольких минут. Тап по экрану не производит никаких действии, затем моргает экран и я продолжаю работу. 

Increasingly, the phone freezes from a few seconds to several minutes. Tap on the screen does not produce any action, then the screen blinks and I continue to work.



Hi @Константин1989, sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

Your question has been translated to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.

Is this something that you have started to experience very recently or has it been going on for a while?

If you have a SD card in your device, try and temporarily remove it and see if there is any change. You can also restart your device in safe mode so we can make sure that a downloaded application isn't causing this behaviour.

I would recommend that you don't remove the SD card and then restart your device in safe mode, because doing that won't really tell us if is it the SD card that is causing this or a downloaded application, so choose one of the troubleshooting steps > do that one and see if there is any change > no change > proceed with the next one.

Let me know if that helps!


Good morning. My phone sometime to wait any time,before I push botton on-off and then phone write on displey message "application system not answer" "wite or close" on Russian (приложение system не отвечает).  I'm select close and all work normal. Then situation repeat. Android-8. I'm not used SD card. Not install new app. Use old app. It's is long time. I'm very angry. Help my phone


Hi @va777ka, sorry to hear about this.

I'm sorry for the late reply, I have been out of office due to vacation.

It sounds like it's the System UI that is crashing and closes down and if that is the case, try running your device in safe mode for a bit and see if it still occurs.

If it occurs in this mode as well, perform a software repair using Xperia Companion, but remember to backup your data using the same program as the repair will delete all data stored on the internal storage.

Let me know how it goes!