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Remote Play Compatibility - XA 2 Ultra


Remote Play Compatibility - XA 2 Ultra

Can we expect compatibility with remote play on XA2 / XA2 Ultra ?


You have got to be kidding me...Remote Play was one of the reasons I bought the XA2 Ultra.  Between this and the wifi issues, I am regretting my purchase.


I have to say that I am baffled by this thread... PS4 Remote compatibility is clearly not in the specs of this phone on Sony's website. 

I don't understand the anger towards Sony based on the surprise that is missing. 


They will close all the divisions except ps and the don't know why.

I don't find a reason why They doesn't include that, I didn't read if it's include or not when Xa2 and Xa2 ultra are powerfull than other old Phones with this funtion I supossed it must be. 


Remote play is the main feature I bought ZA2 Ultra for.  Yes I am so dumb that I did not cross check whether Sony blocks this feature from ZA2 Ultra as with logical thinking a bigger screen will have better game experience with remote play.  I bet most people that are aiming for remote play will pick a sony model with the biggest screen size.  I am so pissed, disappointed that I bought the phone yesterday, and I am selling it today.


Kudos for acknowledging your role in purchasing. You reasoning is also spot on... If I had to guess, I'd say the reason is keeping the OS lighter to enable easier updates because it appeared imnedimmedi on Google's Enterprise Approved list.


HahaHa same experience, i heard xperia phones have the remote play feature so I started looking into them had a 6"screen found one on a one day special yesterday bought it because of the larger screen, never even crossed my mind that the phone wouldn't be able to download the app because it's Sony, this is horrible news as i struggle to use the stupid swift type I'm realizing this phone **bleep** even at typing.

Yeah and don't try to simpathize wiwi us just relay our disappointment in your product so hopefully they make it right. Thanks xperia guy


Hello, I'm really serious that no update will come out after you can install remote play on the XA2? This is really a joke it should be all sony producte synonymous all apps for Sony xperia phones available.


Sony simply has reasons to put XA2 owners into a less good bag. These are those kind of reasons you will never find out and there is no employee in Sony that will ever tell you anything valuable, especialy Sony Forum Writer. That level of power in managment has no power and no knowledge at all about decisions from highest marketing managment level. There is no sense in writing another and another post telling Sony that they are so bad, because you will never ever fight it out and the reason why thay have you deep down below will never be known to anybody. Big comapany likes to act like they don't have anything bad at mind, it is just YOU, simple customer that has not checked if SONY remote control works on your Xperia...but wait, isn't it called Xperia? Xperia XA2? Should rather be Diapperia XA2. Sony stay true, do not change anything, it is too late to make people happy, way too long fooling them. Everybody would feel like a monkey if you give us ps4


@Jonas wrote:

Hi again @Maximilian_H2!

I understand that you are disappointed, however if you are looking for a specific feature when purchasing a new device, it's always best to check with the Sony Xperia support if the feature is available on the device you planned on purchasing or not. That way you will know more about the features of the device and if it will have the features you are looking for.

As I wrote in my previous post, I will make sure to forward your feedback internally.

Sorry but this is not acceptable in any way, shape or form.  A hacker modded app proved that Remote Play could work on most Android phones, yet Sony has decided that it won't allow this, and to enjoy Remote Play you have to buy from a certain list of approved phones. Do  Sony think this will be a benefit to sales?  I'm buying a new phone now, and I would like to get a Sony phone that allows Remote Play, but none of them compare at all to other non-Sony Android phones.  Your phones are just not good enough... Remote Play will not make me want to buy a sub-par phone. However, the way Sony are handling this actually makes me regret buying a PS4 and I may just cancel my Playstation subscriptions and switch to xbox.  You've lost me as a customer for one. 


Hi @Stoph, sorry to hear that you feel this way.

Do note that I don't have any information on why this decision was made, I can just provided the information I have available regarding Remote Play and Xperia XA2 Ultra and that information is that it's not supported.

I'll forward your feedback internally as well, but I can't make any promises!